MS Treatments For The Ailment Of Multiple Sclerosis
There are numerous autoimmune diseases that plague millions of people across the world, and multiple sclerosis is one of these. In an autoimmune disease, for any of a multitude of potential reasons, the body has started ....Continue Reading…
A Guide To Herbal Treatments
Different herbs, extracts, and other parts of plants that are used for medicinal and therapeutic remedies are wide ranging, coming from leaves, flowers, roots, stems, seeds, and many other plant sources. No two are exa....Continue Reading…
Guide To Home Made Ear Candles
It seems to me that very few people have used or are aware of ear candles, which is quite unfortunate. Ear candles are a very simple but fantastic device that is growing in its availability, and is also fairly easy to ....Continue Reading…
Five Essential Oils For Home Remedies
Essential oils are a growing element in natural and healthy treatment of daily conditions, as well as for the occasional illness and improved general health. But what are they and how are they used? The sources vary ....Continue Reading…
Natural Home Remedies For Joint Pain
Joint pain is one of the most common complaints I hear, and it’s no real coincidence that people often feel more joint pain with age. Age doesn’t have to be painful, and as a corrective exercise specialist myself, ....Continue Reading…
Home Remedies
Does Toothpaste Get Rid of Pimples
Using toothpaste to get rid of pimples has been an urban legend for years. No one quite knows how the idea got started but one thing is for sure, it isn’t guaranteed to work and isn’t very safe for your skin.…....Continue Reading…
Home Remedies for Fleas on Dogs
When using home remedies for fleas on dogs remember to avoid tricks like garlic and brewers yeast. Garlic is a blood thinner and can make it difficult for the blood to clot if your dog is injured, and brewer’s yeast ca....Continue Reading…
Home Remedies for Fleas on Cats
When using home remedies for fleas on cats there are a few important things to keep in mind: do not use garlic and do not use un-researched essential oils. It’s important to remember that cats and dogs have very differ....Continue Reading…
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in the House
Fruit flies have a very short life-span; only eight to ten days! This means that they reproduce quickly and can become a very big problem in a short amount of time. It always seems that just when you get them under contr....Continue Reading…
Osgood Schlatter Treatment
Osgood Schlatter is a disease that commonly affects adolescents. It most often occurs during growth spurts and is aggravated by physical activity. It is a painful knee condition which causes the tendon that attaches the ....Continue Reading…
How to Get Rid of Bunions
Bunions are caused when the bone or tissues around the joint at the base of the big toe become inflamed. It often causes the bit toe to turn in towards the second toe, pushing it to the side. The skin and muscles around ....Continue Reading…